Why is an Annual Exam Important?
The annual examination is a yearly visit that allows the health care provider and
patient an opportunity to meet for the purpose of assessing the patient’s overall
health state.
This visit serves as a good time for the provider to collect important
information about the patient including a comprehensive analysis of the patient’s
past and present medical history. It also allows space for the patient to address any
questions or concerns they may have about their health.
Lifestyle habits includingdiet, exercise, smoking, drinking, mental health, and safety are also discussed on this visit.
A physical assessment is performed on the visit which allows the provider to
listen to the patient’s heart, lung, and bowel sounds being sure to check for any
abnormal findings.
There is also a breast examination performed on that visit followed by the PAP smear. The purpose of the PAP smear is to collect cells from the cervix to evaluate for signs of precancerous and cancerous cells as well as abnormal changes of the cells of the cervix.
This visit serves as a great way to check in with your healthcare provider, address health care concerns, and encourage good self-care. Be your best!